Team from the Software Engineering Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Brasília.

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 Office: A1-21/7


+55 (61) 3107-3661

 Lattes: Daniel de Paula Porto

Research topics: Software quality, Gamification, Secondary studies, Project managementSoftware architecture

Edna Dias Canedo

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 Oficce: A1-30/7


+55 (61) 3107-3661

 Lattes: Edna Dias Canedo

Research topics: Requirements Engineering (RE) , Security and PrivacyGender Diversity, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

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  Office: A1-35/7


+55 (61) 3107-3682

Research topics: Architecture, Dependability, Requirements Engineering, Self-adaptive systems, Software Product Line

Vander Ramos Alves